MHU Financial Services Inc.

We know that filing tax return by yourself is not a fun task. That is why we want to make it easier for you.

Are you ready to begin?

We are open 7 days a week during tax season!

Did you know that you can get your
tax return done remotely?
Why leave the house and wait in a line?

Fill out our New Client Form to get started on the process of filing your tax return remotely!

Click the button below.

Existing Clients: Email all tax slips to along with any personal information to be updated.

You are not required to fill out the New Client Form.

Our Services

Personal Income Tax Return

Basic Individual return starting at $30 and Basic Couple return starting at $50 

Self-Employment Income Tax Return

Uber/Doordash/Skip returns starts at $100

Rental Income Tax Return

Returns for full property or basement rental starts at $100

Non-Resident Rental S-216

Rental return for non-resident return $200

Corporate Tax Return/Bookkeeping/Payroll

Starts at $750

Clearance Certificate for Non-Resident


Our fees mentioned above are our minimum charges. We will confirm the actual charge after reviewing your paperwork and before starting to work on it if it will be higher than our minimum fees.

Hasib is quick, efficient and attentive. His price is fair, and you won't have any headaches doing your taxes. Highly recommend him!

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Scan the QR code to go to the New Client Form